Who is Consciously Natural Momma?


Hey, I'm Shannon!

Author & Owner of Consciously Natural Momma, Web Developer & Mother.

Here to enthusiastically teach like-minded moms and mothers-to-be about natural parenting practices! From conception and beyond.

Maybe You Can Relate:

As a new mom I was a bit nervous.

So I scoured the web and books for information regarding how to do this whole motherhood thing. And I wanted to do it as modernly and naturally as possible. With conscious intention on my part.

I was totally hyped to have a natural pregnancy. I was determined to have a med free, home water birth & I wanted to try hynobirthing. Completely hellbent on raising my baby on the boobie (nursing) with cloth diapers, doing elimination communication, using minimalism to create a calm environment, co-sleeping while practicing gentle and attachment parenting.

Anything *Crunchy Momma* you can think of, I was here for it! (Although, I don't call myself crunchy.)

✨Psst, learn about the full book here: "Consciously Natural Momma: Natural Parenting Methods from Conception Through the Terrific Twos!".✨

The Problem?

I was piecing together all this information from random sources I gathered all over the place. This lifestyle needed to flow as well. I also didn't have any peers who understood me or what I wanted for my baby. Doctors were telling me I couldn't have the birth I wanted. Despite being a completely healthy first time mother.

I couldn't shake knowing in my heart that this was meant for me!

Then it happened.

With all the knowledge I gained & confidently keeping my determination, everything I had dreamed of, became my reality.

So, as I navigated motherhood, with my stubborn personality, I decided I'd have to put everything I'd learned into one place for other like-minded moms. Possibly like you 😉.

✨It all started with the book "Consciously Natural Momma: Natural Parenting Methods from Conception Through the Terrific Twos!" find out more here.

So, Welcome. You're in the right place if...

  • ✧ You're a naturally minded momma or mother to be
  • ✧ You need some insight on how to achieve natural parenting practices
  • ✧ You'd like a motherhood lifestyle that flows, naturally with confidence!
  • ✧ You're ready to parent with conscious intention instead just "winging it".
  • ✧ You're curious & want to maybe veer off the beaten path of mainstream parenthood tactics

Take a Look Around

If you sound like me or are the kind of woman who'd love to have a natural pregnancy, birth and would like to navigate motherhood with conscious intention then I have all the tips for you!

At Consciously Natural Momma you'll learn conception tips, natural pregnancy methods, finding a provider, healthy diet and lifestyle habits for pregnancy and postpartum.

You'll also gain knowledge on how to have a minimalist home for ease, preparing for your baby, med free birth practices, hypnobirthing, and postpartum care.

I also share attachments and gentle parenting methods as well as how homeschooling fits the bill there too.

And hey, if it all doesn't resonate for you then that's also okay! Something here will be of use to you I'm sure of it!

✨Go ahead and also check out the full book "Consciously Natural Momma: Natural Parenting Methods from Conception Through the Terrific Twos!". To learn more click here.

If you're curious & would like a little freebie: